Sales Support: What It Is and Why It’s Important?

Sales Support

What is Sales Support?

In today’s competitive business environment, organisations strive to maximise their sales performance and deliver exceptional customer experiences. One crucial element in achieving these goals is the role of sales support. Sales support teams play a vital role in providing the necessary assistance, resources, and coordination to empower the sales force and enhance overall sales effectiveness. In this article, we will explore the role of sales support in depth, understanding its key responsibilities, and highlighting its significance in driving sales success and customer satisfaction.

Understanding the Role of Sales Support

Sales support is a function within an organisation that works collaboratively with the sales team to facilitate the sales process, enhance productivity, and improve customer interactions. The primary objective of sales support is to provide the necessary assistance and resources to sales representatives, allowing them to focus on building relationships with prospects, closing deals, and delivering value to customers. Here are some key responsibilities of sales support:

  1. Providing Sales Collateral and Marketing Materials: Sales support teams create and distribute essential sales collateral, such as product brochures, presentations, case studies, and sales scripts. These materials equip sales representatives with the information they need to effectively communicate the value proposition and benefits of products or services to potential customers.
  2. Conducting Market Research and Lead Generation: Sales support teams are responsible for gathering market intelligence, identifying potential leads, and qualifying prospects. They conduct market research to understand customer needs, industry trends, and competitor analysis. By providing a steady stream of qualified leads, sales support enables the sales team to focus their efforts on high-potential opportunities.
  3. Assisting with Proposal and Quotation Preparation: Sales support teams assist sales representatives in preparing and presenting proposals, quotations, and contracts to prospects. They ensure accuracy, consistency, and professionalism in all sales documents, ensuring they align with the customer’s requirements and expectations.
  4. Managing Sales Administration and Logistics: Sales support teams handle administrative tasks, such as order processing, contract management, pricing and discount approvals, and coordination with other departments. They ensure smooth operations and seamless communication between sales, marketing, finance, and customer support.
  5. Providing Technical and Product Support: Sales support teams possess in-depth knowledge of the organisation’s products or services. They provide technical support to sales representatives and address any queries or concerns related to product specifications, functionality, or implementation. Their expertise helps sales reps navigate complex customer requirements and address objections effectively.
  6. Coordinating with Internal Departments: Sales support acts as a liaison between the sales team and other internal departments. They collaborate with marketing to align sales strategies with marketing campaigns, product development teams for product updates and enhancements, and customer support teams to ensure a seamless post-sales experience.

The Significance of Sales Support

  1. Enhancing Sales Effectiveness: Sales support plays a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of the sales team. By providing the necessary tools, resources, and support, sales support enables sales representatives to focus on building relationships, addressing customer needs, and closing deals. They equip sales reps with the information and materials needed to effectively communicate the value proposition, differentiators, and competitive advantages of the organisation’s offerings.
  2. Improving Customer Satisfaction: Sales support directly contributes to improving customer satisfaction by ensuring a smooth and seamless customer journey. By providing accurate and timely information, addressing customer queries and concerns, and coordinating with internal departments, sales support enhances the overall customer experience. They play a critical role in managing customer expectations and ensuring customer success.
  3. Facilitating Sales Process Efficiency: Sales support teams streamline the sales process by optimising workflows, automating administrative tasks, and implementing efficient sales tools and technologies. By reducing administrative burdens on sales representatives, they free up their time and energy, allowing them to focus on revenue-generating activities. Sales support eliminates bottlenecks in the sales process, accelerates deal closure, and improves overall sales efficiency.
  1. Enabling Cross-Departmental Collaboration: Sales support acts as a bridge between different departments within the organisation. They facilitate collaboration and communication between sales, marketing, product development, finance, and customer support teams. This alignment ensures that everyone is working towards common goals and objectives, leveraging each other’s expertise and resources for the benefit of the customer.
  2. Providing Sales Enablement and Training: Sales support teams play a vital role in equipping sales representatives with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. They provide comprehensive training programs, including product training, sales techniques, objection handling, and negotiation skills. Sales support continuously updates sales reps on new product features, market trends, and competitive intelligence, empowering them to engage in meaningful conversations with prospects.
  3. Monitoring and Reporting: Sales support teams are responsible for tracking and analysing sales performance metrics. They monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), such as revenue, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs, to identify areas for improvement. Sales support generates reports and insights that provide valuable feedback to the sales team and the organisation as a whole, aiding in decision-making and strategy formulation.
  4. Customer Relationship Management: Sales support teams contribute to building and nurturing customer relationships. They maintain customer databases, track customer interactions, and ensure accurate and up-to-date customer information. Sales support plays a crucial role in identifying cross-selling and upselling opportunities, managing customer renewals, and resolving any customer issues or concerns.

Best Practices for Effective Sales Support 

To ensure the effectiveness of sales support efforts, organisations should implement the following best practices:

  1. Clear Communication Channels: Establish clear lines of communication between sales support teams and sales representatives. Regular meetings, feedback sessions, and collaborative platforms ensure that sales support understands the specific needs and challenges of the sales team. This communication allows sales support to tailor their support services accordingly.
  2. Continuous Training and Skill Development: Invest in ongoing training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of sales support teams. This includes product training, sales methodologies, customer relationship management, and technology tools. Sales support should stay updated with industry trends, market dynamics, and emerging customer needs.
  3. Seamless Integration of Technology: Leverage technology tools, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, sales enablement platforms, and data analytics software. These tools enhance sales support capabilities, automate processes, and provide actionable insights. Integration of technology streamlines workflows improves data accuracy and enables efficient collaboration between sales and sales support teams.
  4. Customer-Centric Approach: Maintain a customer-centric mindset throughout the sales support function. Understand customer pain points, preferences, and expectations. Sales support should align its efforts to deliver personalised solutions, resolve customer issues promptly, and ensure a positive customer experience at every touchpoint.
  5. Regular Evaluation and Improvement: Continuously assess the effectiveness of sales support strategies and activities. Monitor key performance indicators, gather feedback from the sales team and customers, and conduct post-sales reviews. This evaluation process helps identify areas for improvement and implement corrective actions to enhance the impact of sales support initiatives.

What is the Difference Between Sales Support and Sales?

In the dynamic world of business, the terms “sales” and “sales support” are often used interchangeably. While they are closely related and work together to drive revenue, it’s important to recognise the distinct roles they play within an organisation. Sales and sales support have different functions and responsibilities, yet both are integral parts of the sales process.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the difference between sales and sales support. Below explore the key characteristics, roles, and contributions of each function, highlighting their unique responsibilities and how they collaborate to achieve sales success.

Sales: Driving Revenue Generation

  1. Defining Sales: Sales is the primary function responsible for generating revenue by selling products or services to customers. It involves identifying prospects, building relationships, and closing deals to meet sales targets.
  2. Core Responsibilities of Sales Professionals: Sales professionals are focused on revenue generation through activities such as prospecting, lead qualification, product demonstrations, negotiations, and closing deals. Their main goal is to convert prospects into paying customers by effectively communicating the value proposition and addressing customer needs.
  3. Skillset of Sales Professionals: Successful sales professionals possess strong interpersonal and communication skills, negotiation abilities, product knowledge, and a deep understanding of the market and customer behaviour. They are driven by targets and motivated to achieve sales goals.
  4. Key Metrics and Performance Indicators: Sales performance is measured by metrics such as revenue generated, sales growth, customer acquisition, conversion rates, and average deal size. Sales professionals are evaluated based on their ability to meet or exceed these targets.

Sales Support: Enabling Sales Success

  1. Defining Sales Support: Sales support refers to the functions, activities, and resources that assist the sales team in achieving their goals. It encompasses a wide range of tasks and responsibilities aimed at supporting the sales process and ensuring its smooth operation.
  2. Core Responsibilities of Sales Support: Sales support professionals work behind the scenes to provide administrative, technical, and logistical assistance to the sales team. Their tasks include preparing sales materials, managing customer databases, coordinating sales activities, providing customer service, and handling post-sales support.
  3. Skillset of Sales Support Professionals: Sales support professionals need strong organisational and administrative skills, attention to detail, customer service expertise, and the ability to effectively manage information and resources. They work closely with sales professionals, providing them with the necessary support to focus on revenue-generating activities.
  4. Key Metrics and Performance Indicators: The performance of sales support is measured by metrics such as timely delivery of sales materials, customer satisfaction ratings, response times to customer inquiries, and the efficiency of coordinating sales activities. The effectiveness of sales support is evaluated based on its contribution to the overall sales process.

The Relationship Between Sales and Sales Support

  1. Collaboration and Alignment: Sales and sales support functions are interdependent and must work in harmony to achieve sales success. Sales professionals rely on sales support to provide them with the necessary tools, resources, and information to effectively engage with customers and close deals.
  2. Integration in the Sales Process: Sales support is integrated into various stages of the sales process, from lead generation to post-sales activities. They assist in lead qualification, provide sales collateral and presentations, handle administrative tasks, address customer inquiries, and ensure smooth order processing and delivery.
  3. Communication and Coordination: Effective communication and coordination between sales and sales support are essential for seamless collaboration. Regular meetings, sharing of information, and feedback loops facilitate alignment and ensure that both functions are working towards common goals.
  4. Benefits of Collaboration: Collaboration between sales and sales support brings several benefits, including increased sales productivity, improved customer satisfaction, and streamlined sales operations.
  1. Enhancing Customer Experience: Sales support plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall customer experience. By providing timely and accurate information, addressing customer inquiries and concerns, and ensuring smooth order processing, they contribute to customer satisfaction and build long-term relationships. Sales support professionals serve as a bridge between the customers and the sales team, ensuring that customer needs are met, and expectations are exceeded.
  2. Efficient Resource Allocation: Sales support helps optimise resource allocation within the organisation. By taking on administrative tasks, managing customer databases, and coordinating sales activities, they enable sales professionals to focus their time and energy on revenue-generating activities. This improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the sales team and maximises the utilisation of resources.
  3. Scalability and Flexibility: As businesses grow and evolve, the demand for sales support becomes increasingly important. Sales support functions can scale alongside the sales team, providing the necessary support and resources to handle increased sales volume and customer inquiries. They offer flexibility to adapt to changing market dynamics, product launches, or promotional campaigns.

What Does a Sales Support Person Do

I. Defining the Sales Support Person Role (approximately 500 words)

A sales support person, also known as a sales support specialist or sales coordinator, is an integral part of a sales team. Their primary responsibility is to provide assistance and support to the sales representatives throughout the sales cycle. While the sales representatives focus on prospecting, presenting, and closing deals, the sales support person works behind the scenes to ensure smooth operations and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Here are some key responsibilities of a sales support person:

  1. Preparing Sales Documentation: The sales support person is responsible for preparing and maintaining various sales documents, such as proposals, quotations, contracts, and presentations. They ensure that these documents are accurate, professional, and tailored to the needs of the customer.
  2. Managing Customer Communication: A sales support person serves as a point of contact for customers, handling inquiries, providing information, and addressing any concerns or issues. They maintain open lines of communication, keeping customers informed and updated throughout the sales process.
  3. Coordinating Sales Activities: The sales support person plays a crucial role in coordinating sales activities and ensuring effective collaboration between different departments within the organisation. They work closely with marketing, product development, logistics, and customer support teams to ensure a seamless customer experience.
  4. Handling Sales Administration: Sales administration tasks, such as order processing, inventory management, and contract management, fall under the purview of a sales support person. They ensure that all administrative processes are efficient, accurate, and in compliance with organisational policies and procedures.
  5. Providing Product Knowledge and Training: A sales support person possesses in-depth knowledge of the products or services offered by the organisation. They provide training and support to the sales representatives, ensuring they have a thorough understanding of the features, benefits, and value proposition of the offerings.
  6. Resolving Customer Issues: When customer issues or complaints arise, a sales support person acts as a mediator, working to find a resolution that satisfies both the customer and the organisation. They collaborate with other teams to address any challenges or roadblocks faced by the customer.

The Skills and Attributes of a Sales Support Person

To excel in the role of a sales support person, certain skills and attributes are essential. Here are some key qualities that contribute to success in this role:

  1. Strong Communication Skills: Effective communication is critical for a sales support person to interact with customers, sales representatives, and internal teams. They must be able to listen attentively, ask probing questions, and convey information clearly and concisely.
  2. Customer-Focused Approach: A sales support person must have a customer-centric mindset and a genuine desire to deliver exceptional customer experiences. They should understand the customers’ needs, empathise with their challenges, and strive to exceed their expectations.
  3. Detail-Oriented: Attention to detail is crucial in managing sales documentation, ensuring accuracy in administrative tasks, and maintaining records. A sales support person must be meticulous in their work to avoid errors and ensure the smooth execution of sales processes.
  4. Problem-Solving Abilities: A sales support person should possess strong problem-solving skills to address customer issues and find effective solutions. They must be proactive in identifying potential roadblocks and taking necessary steps to overcome them. This requires critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to collaborate with different teams to find the best resolution.
  1. Organisational and Time Management Skills: Sales support personnel often have multiple responsibilities and tasks to manage simultaneously. Strong organisational and time management skills are essential to prioritise activities, meet deadlines, and ensure smooth coordination between various stakeholders.
  2. Product and Industry Knowledge: A sales support person should have a deep understanding of the products or services offered by the organisation. This includes knowledge of the features, benefits, competitive advantages, and market trends related to the offerings. Being well-informed enables them to provide accurate information and effectively address customer inquiries.
  3. Team Player Mentality: Collaboration is key in the role of a sales support person. They must be able to work effectively within a team, share information, and collaborate with colleagues from different departments. A team-player mentality helps create a cohesive work environment and ensures seamless coordination between sales and other functions.

The Significance of a Sales Support Person

  1. Enhancing Customer Satisfaction: A sales support person plays a crucial role in ensuring customer satisfaction throughout the sales process. By promptly addressing customer inquiries, concerns, and issues, they contribute to building strong customer relationships. Their assistance and support create a positive customer experience, leading to higher customer loyalty and potential referrals.
  2. Enabling Sales Representatives: Sales representatives often rely on sales support personnel for various tasks that enable them to focus on core sales activities. By taking care of administrative tasks, preparing sales documents, and providing product knowledge, sales support persons allow sales representatives to dedicate more time and energy to building relationships, closing deals, and meeting sales targets.
  3. Streamlining Sales Processes: Sales support personnel contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of sales processes. They ensure the smooth flow of information, coordinate activities between different teams, and streamline administrative tasks. This results in reduced bottlenecks, improved communication, and optimised sales operations.
  4. Driving Sales Productivity: A sales support person’s assistance can significantly enhance the productivity of sales representatives. By handling time-consuming tasks such as documentation and administrative duties, they free up valuable time for sales reps to focus on revenue-generating activities. This leads to increased sales productivity and improved overall sales performance.
  5. Facilitating Cross-Functional Collaboration: Sales support personnel act as a bridge between different departments within the organisation. They facilitate collaboration and communication between sales, marketing, product development, and customer support teams. This alignment ensures that all teams are working towards common goals, leveraging each other’s expertise, and delivering a unified customer experience.
  6. Providing Insights for Sales Strategy: Sales support personnel are often at the forefront of customer interactions and have valuable insights into customer preferences, pain points, and market trends. By collecting and analysing this information, they can provide valuable feedback to the sales team and the organisation as a whole. These insights contribute to informed decision-making, enabling the development of effective sales strategies and tactics.

What is Sales Support Outsourcing?

Sales support outsourcing refers to the practice of entrusting specific sales-related functions to an external service provider. These functions typically include tasks such as lead generation, appointment setting, data entry, sales administration, customer support, and order processing. By outsourcing these non-core activities, organisations can offload time-consuming tasks to dedicated experts, allowing their in-house sales team to focus on revenue generation and strategic initiatives.

Benefits of Sales Support Outsourcing

Cost Savings: One of the primary advantages of sales support outsourcing is cost savings. By outsourcing non-core sales functions, organisations can reduce overhead costs associated with hiring, training, and managing an in-house sales support team. Outsourcing providers often operate on a more cost-effective model, leveraging economies of scale, specialised expertise, and technology infrastructure to deliver efficient services at a lower cost.

Scalability and Flexibility: Sales support outsourcing provides organisations with the flexibility to scale their operations based on fluctuating demand. During peak seasons or when launching new products, businesses can easily ramp up their sales support resources without the need for additional recruitment and training. Conversely, during slower periods, they can scale down the resources to optimise costs.

Access to Expertise: Sales support outsourcing allows organisations to tap into the expertise and experience of specialised service providers. These providers typically have a deep understanding of sales support functions and industry best practices. They bring domain knowledge, advanced tools, and proven methodologies that can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of sales support activities.

Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing non-core sales functions, organisations can free up their internal resources to focus on their core competencies. This enables sales teams to concentrate on revenue-generating activities, building relationships with clients, and developing innovative sales strategies. It also ensures that the limited time and resources of the sales team are allocated to the most impactful tasks.

Improved Customer Experience: Sales support outsourcing can contribute to an enhanced customer experience. With dedicated support resources, organisations can provide prompt and knowledgeable assistance to customers, addressing their inquiries, resolving issues, and ensuring a seamless buying journey. This leads to higher customer satisfaction, increased loyalty, and improved brand reputation.

Considerations for Sales Support Outsourcing

Alignment with Business Objectives: Before embarking on sales support outsourcing, organisations must align their outsourcing strategy with their overall business objectives. They need to identify the specific sales support functions that can be outsourced while considering the impact on internal resources, customer experience, and organisational goals.

Choosing the Right Outsourcing Partner: Selecting the right outsourcing partner is critical for the success of sales support outsourcing. Organisations should evaluate potential service providers based on their expertise, track record, industry knowledge, scalability, cultural fit, and ability to align with the organisation’s values and goals. It is important to establish a strong partnership built on open communication, trust, and shared objectives.

Data Security and Confidentiality: Sales support outsourcing involves sharing sensitive customer data and confidential sales information with the outsourcing provider. Organisations must ensure that the chosen partner has robust data security measures in place to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data. This may include encryption protocols, access controls, regular security audits, and compliance with relevant data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Establishing clear data protection agreements and conducting due diligence on the outsourcing provider’s security practices are essential steps to safeguard sensitive information.

Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration between the organisation and the outsourcing partner are vital for the success of sales support outsourcing. Clear channels of communication should be established, including regular meetings, progress updates, and feedback sessions. Open and transparent communication fosters a sense of partnership and enables both parties to align their efforts towards shared goals.

Transition and Knowledge Transfer: When transitioning sales support functions to an outsourcing provider, organisations should carefully plan the transition process. This includes documenting existing processes, providing comprehensive training and documentation to the outsourcing team, and facilitating knowledge transfer. A smooth transition ensures minimal disruption to sales operations and maintains continuity in customer service.

Best Practices for Sales Support Outsourcing

Clearly Define Objectives and Expectations: Before initiating sales support outsourcing, organisations should clearly define their objectives, expectations, and key performance indicators (KPIs). This helps in setting realistic targets and evaluating the performance of the outsourcing partner. Clear expectations also enable the outsourcing provider to align its processes and resources accordingly.

Collaborative Approach: Foster a collaborative approach between the organisation and the outsourcing partner. Encourage regular communication, joint problem-solving, and knowledge sharing. By involving the outsourcing partner in strategic discussions and decision-making, organisations can leverage their expertise and insights to drive sales growth.

Regular Performance Evaluation: Implement a robust performance evaluation mechanism to assess the effectiveness of the sales support outsourcing arrangement. This includes monitoring key metrics such as lead conversion rates, customer satisfaction scores, response times, and sales performance. Regular performance evaluations provide insights into areas for improvement and help in identifying opportunities for optimisation.

Continuous Improvement: Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by regularly reviewing and optimising sales support processes. This may involve implementing automation tools, streamlining workflows, and adopting best practices identified by the outsourcing partner. Continuous improvement ensures that sales support activities evolve alongside changing business needs and market dynamics.

Maintain a Strong Internal Sales Team: While outsourcing sales support functions, it is essential to maintain a strong internal sales team. The internal team can focus on relationship-building, strategic account management, and high-touch sales activities that require a deep understanding of the organisation’s products, services, and customer base. The collaboration between the internal sales team and the outsourced sales support team creates a synergistic approach and maximises sales effectiveness.


Sales support outsourcing offers numerous benefits to organisations seeking to optimise their sales operations and enhance customer experience. By entrusting non-core sales functions to specialised service providers, businesses can achieve cost savings, scalability, access to expertise, and a sharper focus on core competencies. However, successful sales support outsourcing requires careful consideration of alignment with business objectives, selection of the right outsourcing partner, data security measures, effective communication, and collaboration.

Organisations must establish a strong partnership with the outsourcing provider, emphasising clear objectives, regular performance evaluations, and a culture of continuous improvement. By implementing best practices and maintaining a strong internal sales team, organisations can leverage the advantages of sales support outsourcing to drive revenue growth, improve customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Overall, sales support outsourcing empowers organisations to optimise their sales processes, enhance customer engagement, and achieve sustainable business growth. With the right outsourcing partner and a strategic approach, businesses can unlock the full potential of their sales operations and deliver exceptional value to their customers.

To learn how Quantanite can improve your company’s customer experience contact us here.

Photo by Petr Macháček on Unsplash

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