Understanding eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score): A Key Metric for Employee Engagement

Understanding eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) A Key Metric for Employee Engagement

In today’s competitive business landscape, organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of employee engagement in driving productivity, retention, and overall business success. To measure and monitor employee satisfaction and loyalty, businesses have turned to various metrics, and one such metric gaining popularity is eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score). In this article, we will delve into the concept of eNPS, its significance, and how organisations can leverage it to improve employee engagement and drive business performance.

  1. The Meaning of eNPS

eNPS, or Employee Net Promoter Score, is a metric that measures employee loyalty and engagement within an organisation. It is derived from the Net Promoter Score (NPS) framework, which is commonly used to assess customer loyalty and satisfaction. eNPS extends this framework to gauge the likelihood of employees recommending their organisation as a great place to work.

  1. Understanding a Good eNPS Score

eNPS is based on a simple question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend [Company/Organisation] as a place to work?” Employees are then classified into three categories based on their responses:

  • Promoters (score 9-10): These employees are highly satisfied, engaged, and enthusiastic about their work and the organisation. They are likely to recommend the company to others.
  • Passives (score 7-8): These employees are generally satisfied but not as enthusiastic as promoters. They may not actively promote the company but are unlikely to discourage others from joining.
  • Detractors (score 0-6): These employees are dissatisfied or unhappy with their work experience and may actively discourage others from working at the company.
  1. How Is an eNPS Score Calculated?

The eNPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters, resulting in a score ranging from -100 to +100. A positive score indicates a higher proportion of promoters, reflecting a healthier and more engaged workforce.

  1. Example of an eNPS

Let’s consider an example of a fictitious company, ABC Corporation, and its eNPS. ABC Corporation conducted an eNPS survey among its employees, asking the key question: “On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our organisation as a great place to work?”

Out of 200 employees, 100 responded to the survey. Among the respondents, 60 rated the company with a score of 9 or 10 (Promoters), 20 gave a score of 7 or 8 (Passives), and 20 rated it with a score of 6 or below (Detractors).

To calculate the eNPS score, we need to find the percentage of Promoters and Detractors. In this example, the percentage of Promoters is 60% (60 out of 100) and the percentage of Detractors is 20% (20 out of 100). Subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters, we get a net score of 40 (60% – 20%), indicating a positive eNPS.

It’s important to note that eNPS scores can vary across industries and organisations, and there isn’t a universally defined “good” score. However, organisations typically strive to achieve positive eNPS scores and continuously work towards improvement.

  1. Importance of eNPS in Employee Engagement

eNPS plays a crucial role in understanding and improving employee engagement within an organisation. Here are some reasons why eNPS is important:

  • Measurement of Employee Satisfaction: eNPS provides a quantitative measure of employee satisfaction and engagement. It allows organisations to gauge the overall sentiment and loyalty of their workforce, identifying areas of strength and areas that require improvement.
  • Employee Retention and Productivity: Engaged employees are more likely to stay with an organisation and perform at their best. By tracking eNPS over time, businesses can assess the impact of their initiatives on employee retention and productivity and take corrective actions if needed.
  • Identification of Organisational Issues: A low eNPS score may indicate underlying issues within the organisation, such as poor leadership, inadequate communication, or lack of growth opportunities. By pinpointing these issues, organisations can address them and create a more positive and engaging work environment.
  • Alignment with Business Performance: Research has shown a strong correlation between employee engagement and business performance. Companies with high eNPS scores tend to outperform their competitors in areas like customer satisfaction, profitability, and innovation. eNPS helps organisations understand the link between employee engagement and business success.
  1. Implementing eNPS in Organisations

To effectively implement eNPS and derive meaningful insights, organisations should consider the following steps:

  • Survey Design: Craft a well-designed survey that captures relevant feedback from employees. In addition to the eNPS question, include open-ended questions to gather qualitative insights and understand the reasons behind employees’ scores.
  • Regular Data Collection: Implement a regular data collection schedule, such as quarterly or bi-annually, to track eNPS trends over time. This allows organisations to identify patterns, assess the impact of initiatives, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Anonymous and Confidential Surveys: Ensure that eNPS surveys are anonymous and confidential to encourage honest feedback from employees. This fosters a safe space for employees to express their opinions without fear of reprisal.
  • Action Planning: Act on the feedback received from employees. Analyse the survey results, identify key areas for improvement, and develop action plans to address issues. Communicate these action plans to employees to demonstrate that their feedback is valued and acted upon.
  • Continual Feedback Loop: Establish a continuous feedback loop where employees are kept informed about the progress made based on their feedback. Regularly communicate updates and share successes to maintain transparency and reinforce the value of employee feedback.
  1. Best Practices for eNPS Implementation 

To maximise the effectiveness of eNPS implementation, organisations should consider the following best practices:

  • Senior Leadership Commitment: Obtain commitment and support from senior leadership to ensure that eNPS is given due importance. Leaders should actively participate in the process, champion employee engagement initiatives, and lead by example.
  • Managerial Accountability: Hold managers accountable for the eNPS scores of their teams. Managers play a critical role in driving employee engagement, so it is essential to provide them with the necessary tools and training to support their teams effectively.
  • Actionable Insights: Translate eNPS feedback into actionable insights. Instead of treating eNPS as a mere score, analyse the qualitative feedback to identify recurring themes and prioritise areas for improvement. Use this information to implement meaningful changes that positively impact employee engagement.
  • Communication and Transparency: Communicate eNPS results and action plans to employees transparently. Regularly update employees on the progress made, share success stories, and communicate how their feedback has influenced decision-making.
  • Continuous Improvement: Treat eNPS as an ongoing process rather than a one-time survey. Continuously monitor employee engagement, measure the impact of initiatives, and adapt strategies as needed. Keep the conversation around employee engagement alive within the organisation.


eNPS is a powerful metric that allows organisations to measure and improve employee engagement. By understanding the meaning of eNPS, its importance in driving employee satisfaction and business performance, and implementing it effectively, organisations can create a more engaged and productive workforce.

To learn how Quantante can improve your company’s employee satisfaction contact us here.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

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