What Is Procurement? | Different Types, Best Practices & Outsourcing

Procurement Services

In today’s competitive business landscape, effective procurement plays a crucial role in the success and sustainability of organisations. Procurement is the process of acquiring goods, services, or works from external sources to meet the needs of a business. It involves activities such as sourcing, negotiation, contracting, and supplier management. This article will provide an in-depth exploration of procurement, its importance, and the different types of procurement strategies utilised by businesses.

Understanding Procurement

Procurement is the strategic approach to acquiring goods, services, or works needed by an organisation to carry out its operations. It involves identifying the requirements, selecting suppliers, negotiating contracts, and managing supplier relationships to ensure the timely and cost-effective delivery of goods or services.

The Importance of Procurement

Efficient procurement processes are vital for organisations for several reasons:

  1. Cost Savings: Effective procurement strategies help organisations optimise their spending by obtaining goods and services at competitive prices, leveraging volume discounts, and identifying cost-saving opportunities throughout the supply chain.
  2. Supplier Management: Procurement involves identifying and partnering with reliable suppliers who can provide quality products or services on time. Effective supplier management ensures the organisation receives consistent and reliable supply, minimising disruptions and maintaining operational efficiency.
  3. Risk Management: Procurement plays a critical role in mitigating risks associated with supply chain disruptions, quality issues, or non-compliance. By thoroughly vetting suppliers, establishing contractual agreements, and implementing risk mitigation strategies, organisations can minimise potential risks.
  4. Strategic Alignment: Procurement functions align with the organisation’s strategic goals and objectives. It involves understanding the market, identifying opportunities for innovation and collaboration, and aligning procurement activities with the overall business strategy.

Types of Procurement

  1. Direct Procurement: Direct procurement involves the acquisition of goods or services that are directly incorporated into a product or service offered by the organisation. It includes raw materials, components, and parts necessary for manufacturing or assembly processes.
  2. Indirect Procurement: Indirect procurement refers to the acquisition of goods and services that are not directly involved in the production process but are necessary for the organisation’s operations. This includes categories such as office supplies, IT equipment, marketing services, and facility maintenance.
  3. Strategic Procurement: Strategic procurement focuses on the long-term goals of the organisation and involves the selection and management of suppliers that provide critical goods or services. It includes strategic sourcing, supplier relationship management, and strategic contract negotiations.
  4. Operational Procurement: Operational procurement focuses on the day-to-day purchasing activities required to support the organisation’s ongoing operations. It includes purchase order processing, supplier onboarding, and transactional activities.
  5. Outsourced Procurement: Outsourced procurement involves partnering with a third-party provider to manage some or all aspects of the procurement process. This can include supplier selection, negotiation, and contract management, allowing organisations to leverage the expertise and resources of specialised procurement providers.
  6. E-Procurement: E-Procurement refers to the use of electronic platforms, such as online marketplaces or procurement software, to streamline and automate the procurement process. It includes activities such as online supplier catalogues, electronic purchase orders, and electronic invoice processing.
  7. Green Procurement: Green procurement, also known as sustainable procurement, focuses on the acquisition of environmentally friendly goods and services. It involves considering factors such as the environmental impact, sustainability, and social responsibility of suppliers and their products.

Procurement Best Practices

To effectively manage procurement processes, organisations should adopt the following best practices:

  1. Strategic Supplier Management: Develop strong relationships with key suppliers, including regular communication, performance monitoring, and collaborative problem-solving. This helps ensure a reliable supply chain and encourages supplier innovation.
  2. Supplier Diversity: Promote supplier diversity by engaging with a diverse range of suppliers, including minority-owned, women-owned, and small businesses. This fosters inclusivity, supports local economies, and enhances competitive advantage.
  3. Contract Management: Establish clear and comprehensive contracts with suppliers, including terms and conditions, pricing, delivery schedules, and performance expectations. Regularly review and update contracts to accommodate changing business needs.
  4. Technology Adoption: Leverage technology solutions such as procurement software, e-sourcing platforms, and supplier portals to streamline processes, improve visibility, and enhance efficiency in procurement activities.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate and improve procurement processes by monitoring key performance indicators, conducting supplier assessments, and seeking feedback from internal stakeholders. Continuously identify opportunities for cost savings, risk mitigation, and process optimisation.

What are the 9 Steps in the Procurement Process

The procurement process is a crucial aspect of any organisation’s operations, involving the acquisition of goods, services, or works from external suppliers. It ensures that the organisation obtains the necessary resources at the right time, quality, and price. The procurement process typically consists of multiple steps that guide the entire process from identifying the need for procurement to contract management. In this article, we will explore the nine essential steps in the procurement process and discuss their significance in ensuring successful procurement outcomes.

Step 1: Identify the Need for Procurement

The first step in the procurement process is to identify the need for procurement. This involves assessing the organisation’s requirements for goods, services or works to fulfil operational needs or support strategic initiatives. Proper identification of procurement needs enables the organisation to determine the scope and objectives of the procurement process.

Step 2: Conduct Market Research

After identifying the procurement needs, conducting market research is crucial. This step involves gathering information about potential suppliers, market trends, pricing, and quality standards. Market research helps in understanding supplier capabilities, evaluating different options, and making informed decisions during supplier selection.

Step 3: Develop a Procurement Strategy

The organisation can develop a procurement strategy based on the market research findings. The strategy outlines the approach to be followed, including the selection criteria, sourcing methods, and negotiation strategies. It aligns the procurement process with the organisation’s goals and objectives, ensuring an effective and efficient procurement outcome.

Step 4: Identify Potential Suppliers

Once the procurement strategy is in place, the next step is to identify potential suppliers. This involves creating a shortlist of suppliers that meet the organisation’s requirements and can deliver the desired goods, services, or works. Supplier evaluation criteria may include factors such as price, quality, reliability, capacity, and past performance.

Step 5: Solicit and Evaluate Bids or Proposals

In this step, the organisation requests bids or proposals from the shortlisted suppliers. The procurement team defines the requirements, specifications, and terms of the procurement clearly and comprehensively. Suppliers then submit their bids or proposals, which are evaluated based on predetermined evaluation criteria. The evaluation process considers factors such as price, quality, delivery time, technical capabilities, and contractual terms.

Step 6: Negotiate and Select Suppliers

Once the bids or proposals are evaluated, the organisation enters into negotiations with the preferred suppliers. This step involves discussing and finalising the terms and conditions of the procurement, including price, delivery schedules, warranties, and service level agreements. Negotiations aim to secure the best possible value for the organisation while ensuring a mutually beneficial relationship with the suppliers. After successful negotiations, the organisation selects the suppliers and awards the contracts.

Step 7: Contract Creation and Management

Once the suppliers are selected, the next step is to create contracts that outline the terms and conditions of the procurement. Contracts specify the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both the organisation and the suppliers. Effective contract management is crucial to ensure compliance, monitor performance, and resolve any issues or disputes that may arise during the procurement process.

Step 8: Supplier Relationship Management

Managing supplier relationships is a continuous process throughout the procurement lifecycle. It involves maintaining open lines of communication, monitoring supplier performance, and addressing any concerns or issues promptly. Supplier relationship management ensures that the organisation maintains strong and productive relationships with suppliers, leading to improved collaboration, quality, and cost-effectiveness.

Step 9: Performance Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

The final step in the procurement process is to evaluate the overall performance of the procurement activities. This includes assessing the effectiveness of the procurement strategy, supplier performance, contract compliance, and overall procurement outcomes. Based on the evaluation results, the organisation can identify areas for improvement and implement corrective actions to enhance future procurement processes.

The Procurement Life Cycle

The procurement life cycle represents the entire journey of a procurement process, from initiation to closure. It encompasses all the stages discussed above and provides a holistic view of the procurement process as a continuous cycle. The procurement life cycle typically includes the following phases:

  1. Pre-Procurement Phase:

This phase involves the need identification, planning, and strategy development stages. The organisation identifies the need, formulates a procurement plan, and develops a strategy to meet the procurement objectives.

  1. Procurement Phase:

The procurement phase includes supplier identification and selection, solicitation and bid evaluation, and negotiation and contracting stages. It is the active phase where suppliers are engaged, bids are evaluated, and contracts are awarded.

  1. Post-Procurement Phase:

The post-procurement phase comprises contract administration and management, performance monitoring and evaluation, and supplier relationship management stages. It focuses on ensuring contract compliance, monitoring supplier performance, and maintaining effective relationships to achieve the desired outcomes.

  1. Contract Closure:

The final phase of the procurement life cycle is contract closure. It involves the formal closure of contracts, finalising payments, conducting post-contract evaluations, and archiving procurement-related documents. Contract closure ensures that all contractual obligations are met, and the procurement process is properly documented and closed.

What is Procurement Software?

Procurement software, also known as e-procurement software or purchasing software, refers to a set of digital tools and applications that enable organisations to manage their procurement activities electronically. It serves as a centralised platform for automating and streamlining procurement processes, allowing organisations to efficiently handle tasks such as vendor selection, requests for proposals (RFPs), purchase orders, invoicing, and supplier relationship management.

Functionalities of Procurement Software

Procurement software typically offers a wide range of functionalities that cover the entire procurement lifecycle. Let’s explore some of the key features commonly found in procurement software:

  1. Vendor Management: Procurement software provides tools to manage vendor databases, including supplier onboarding, performance evaluation, and qualification criteria.
  2. Sourcing and RFx Management: These features enable organisations to create and manage requests for information (RFIs), requests for proposals (RFPs), and requests for quotations (RFQs) electronically.
  3. Purchase Requisitions and Orders: Procurement software facilitates the creation, approval, and tracking of purchase requisitions and purchase orders, streamlining the procurement workflow.
  4. Contract Management: Organisations can centralise contract management, including contract creation, negotiation, storage, and compliance tracking, within the procurement software.
  5. Catalogue Management: Procurement software often includes catalogue management capabilities, allowing organisations to maintain product and service catalogues, manage pricing, and streamline the ordering process.
  6. Supplier Collaboration: These features enable improved communication and collaboration between organisations and their suppliers, fostering stronger supplier relationships and ensuring the timely delivery of goods and services.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: Procurement software provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities, offering insights into spend visibility, supplier performance, cost savings, and compliance.

Benefits of Procurement Software

Implementing procurement software can bring numerous benefits to organisations. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

  1. Increased Efficiency: Procurement software automates manual tasks, reducing paperwork, manual data entry, and time-consuming processes. It streamlines workflows, accelerates procurement cycles, and improves overall operational efficiency.
  2. Cost Savings: By automating procurement processes and enabling better supplier management, organisations can negotiate better pricing, identify cost-saving opportunities, and optimise spend management, leading to significant cost savings.
  3. Improved Compliance: Procurement software helps organisations enforce compliance with procurement policies, contracts, and regulatory requirements. It enables organisations to maintain accurate records, track approvals, and ensure adherence to established guidelines.
  4. Enhanced Supplier Relationships: With procurement software, organisations can collaborate more effectively with suppliers, improving communication, transparency, and supplier performance. This can lead to stronger supplier relationships and better delivery of goods and services.
  5. Better Data Visibility and Analytics: Procurement software provides real-time visibility into procurement data, allowing organisations to analyse spending patterns, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions. This leads to improved strategic sourcing and procurement planning.

Considerations for Implementing Procurement Software

Implementing procurement software requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  1. Organisation’s Needs: Understand your organisation’s specific procurement requirements, processes, and goals. Choose a procurement software solution that aligns with your unique needs and can be customised to suit your workflows.
  2. Scalability and Integration: Consider the scalability of the procurement software to accommodate future growth and evolving business needs. Additionally, ensure that the software can integrate with other systems such as ERP, finance, and inventory management for seamless data flow.
  3. User-Friendliness: Evaluate the user interface and ease of use of the procurement software. It should be intuitive and user-friendly to ensure widespread adoption and minimise training requirements.
  4. Security and Data Protection: Procurement software deals with sensitive data, including supplier information, contracts, and financial details. Ensure that the software provider adheres to stringent security standards and data protection regulations.
  5. Vendor Reputation and Support: Research the reputation and track record of the procurement software vendor. Consider factors such as customer reviews, vendor support services, and their ability to provide ongoing updates and enhancements.

What Is Procurement Outsourcing?

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, organisations are constantly seeking ways to optimise their operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. One area that has gained significant attention in recent years is procurement outsourcing. Procurement outsourcing refers to the strategic practice of partnering with external service providers to handle procurement processes and functions on behalf of the organisation. In this article, we will explore the concept of procurement outsourcing, its benefits, challenges, and considerations for organisations looking to leverage this approach to enhance their procurement operations.

What is Procurement Outsourcing?

Procurement outsourcing is the strategic decision to entrust some or all procurement activities to external service providers. Instead of managing procurement processes in-house, organisations engage third-party vendors or specialised procurement service providers to handle tasks such as supplier management, sourcing, purchase order processing, and contract management. Procurement outsourcing can be implemented through various models, ranging from selective outsourcing of specific procurement functions to complete end-to-end procurement process outsourcing.

Types of Procurement Outsourcing

  1. Tactical Procurement Outsourcing: In this model, organisations outsource specific tactical procurement activities such as purchase order processing, invoice management, or supplier onboarding. It focuses on relieving the administrative burden and streamlining operational tasks.
  2. Strategic Procurement Outsourcing: Strategic procurement outsourcing involves partnering with external providers to manage strategic procurement functions such as sourcing, supplier relationship management, and contract negotiation. This model allows organisations to tap into the expertise and market knowledge of specialised procurement service providers.
  3. Category-Specific Procurement Outsourcing: In this approach, organisations outsource procurement activities related to specific categories, such as IT hardware, office supplies, or marketing services. It allows organisations to leverage the specialised knowledge and market insights of service providers with expertise in those specific categories.
  4. End-to-End Procurement Process Outsourcing: This comprehensive outsourcing model involves transferring the entire procurement process to an external provider. It encompasses all procurement activities from sourcing to payment processing, and the service provider assumes responsibility for managing the entire procurement function.

Benefits of Procurement Outsourcing

  1. Cost Savings: One of the primary motivations for procurement outsourcing is cost reduction. By leveraging the expertise and economies of scale of external service providers, organisations can achieve cost savings through improved supplier negotiations, better contract management, and streamlined procurement processes.
  2. Access to Specialised Expertise: Procurement outsourcing allows organisations to tap into the specialised knowledge and skills of external service providers who have extensive experience and domain expertise in procurement. This expertise can result in improved supplier relationships, better sourcing strategies, and enhanced market intelligence.
  3. Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing non-core procurement activities, organisations can focus their internal resources on core competencies and strategic initiatives. It enables organisations to allocate more time and resources to activities directly contributing to their competitive advantage and business growth.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: Procurement outsourcing offers scalability and flexibility to accommodate fluctuating business demands. Organisations can easily scale up or down their procurement resources based on business needs without the need for extensive hiring or downsizing efforts.
  5. Technology and Process Improvements: Procurement service providers often leverage advanced technologies and tools to streamline procurement processes, enhance data visibility, and improve operational efficiency. By partnering with these providers, organisations can benefit from access to state-of-the-art procurement software and process improvements.

Challenges of Procurement Outsourcing

While procurement outsourcing offers numerous benefits, it is important to consider and address potential challenges that may arise:

  1. Loss of Control: Outsourcing procurement processes means relinquishing some control over these activities. It requires establishing robust communication channels and governance structures to ensure alignment and transparency between the organisation and the service provider.
  2. Data Security and Confidentiality: Procurement involves handling sensitive data, including supplier information, pricing details, and contractual agreements. Organisations must carefully select trustworthy and reliable service providers with robust data security measures to protect their confidential information.
  3. Change Management: Implementing procurement outsourcing requires change management efforts to align internal stakeholders and ensure a smooth transition. Employees may experience resistance or concerns regarding job security or changes in roles and responsibilities. Effective communication and change management strategies are vital to address these challenges.
  4. Supplier Relationship Management: Although procurement outsourcing can provide access to specialised expertise, organisations need to carefully manage supplier relationships. Clear communication channels, performance measurement mechanisms, and ongoing collaboration are essential to maintain strong supplier partnerships.

Considerations for Procurement Outsourcing

Before embarking on procurement outsourcing, organisations should consider the following factors:

  1. Strategic Alignment: Evaluate the strategic alignment of procurement outsourcing with the organisation’s overall goals and objectives. Clearly define the desired outcomes and assess how outsourcing procurement activities align with the broader procurement strategy.
  2. Vendor Selection: Conduct a thorough evaluation and due diligence process when selecting a procurement service provider. Consider factors such as industry experience, expertise, track record, financial stability, and cultural fit.
  3. Contractual Agreements: Establish clear and comprehensive contractual agreements that outline the scope of work, service level agreements (SLAs), performance metrics, data security provisions, and governance structures. This ensures that both parties have a shared understanding of expectations and responsibilities.
  4. Change Management and Stakeholder Engagement: Develop a robust change management plan that addresses potential resistance and concerns from internal stakeholders. Engage key stakeholders early in the process and communicate the benefits and rationale behind procurement outsourcing.
  5. Performance Monitoring and Continuous Improvement: Implement performance monitoring mechanisms to track the performance of the procurement service provider. Regularly review performance against agreed-upon metrics and engage in continuous improvement discussions to enhance the effectiveness of the outsourcing relationship.


Procurement outsourcing offers organisations a strategic approach to enhance their procurement operations, achieve cost savings, and access specialised expertise. By partnering with external service providers, organisations can streamline procurement processes, improve supplier relationships, and focus on their core competencies. However, successful procurement outsourcing requires careful consideration of the outsourcing model, vendor selection, change management efforts, and performance monitoring. By understanding the benefits, challenges, and considerations associated with procurement outsourcing, organisations can make informed decisions and leverage this approach to drive procurement excellence and business success.

To learn how Quantanite can improve your company’s processes contact us here.

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

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